Friday, August 21, 2020

Excited To Be Back and To Start A New Chapter

I am so very excited to re-engage with this website!

It is a crucial time in our nation’s history, and over the past four years I have developed some amazing relationships that have deepened my love of this country and its citizens, and now some of them are joining me here to share their experiences and insights.

For me, you can see my journey from a frustrated John McCain voter to a fervent opponent of Donald Trump and his enablers in the posts prior to this one. It was a frustrating experience because, as you can see in my first two posts, hyperpartisanship was always one of my biggest issues, and yet we have been faced with an active threat to the country that has forced me to step away from being someone trying to encourage dialogue to being an active participant.

But while I may be able to look back in time and see a different path, from 2016 until now, I simply could see no other way to stay above the fray. See my letters to my representatives from November 4 2018 for what I was concerned about, and you can see that with every passing month, those issues became more and more real.

That being said, thanks to the amazing work of people like Heath Mayo and Evan McMullin, through organizations like Principles First and Stand Up Republic, we have the upcoming Convention on Founding Principles and a chance to right the ship. At the very least, give those who still believe in the Constitution, free market capitalism and a proactive foreign policy a voice after the Trump-led Republican Party abandoned pretty much every principle that ever stood under the banner of the GOP.

As such, on this site I am going to try to somewhat return to that place of neutrality, although I will maintain an eye towards making sure Trump and his enablers lose in November. I know that seems awkward, and it is, but you currently have a political organization – either through incompetence or intent (probably a mixture of both) – actively attacking almost every pillar of government and every traditionally Republican or conservative idea out side of very few exceptions. And even those they seem to be trying to pervert. I have to work against that. I have to.

On the other hand, I guess you could say I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and want to take this opportunity to start leading again.

What do I want to lead towards?

A healthy, vibrant, active Marketplace of Ideas where voices from all over the political spectrum can put their thoughts on the table for discussion and consideration, and where hard-earned and honest compromises can be forged that help America be better than just helping those under the banner of the party in power.

And that means a lot of things. It means helping people be Educated Citizens, which is a huge topic all on its own. It means attacking and undermining hyperpartisanship and transactionalism – the enemies of a Constitutional Republic. It means raising up and protective dissident voices so they can be heard fairly. It means recognizing that milquetoast compromise is useless, but that true compromise can be amazing. It means attacking discrimination and institutional issues that prevent true equality, opportunity and freedom to various groups.

Ultimately, it means finding a way to have a real dialogue between people who have real policy disagreements. That is the thing that has broken down so much that it led to the mess that was 2016, and absolutely needs to be reinvigorated if we want to continue to be We The People.

So thank you for being here, and I invite you to contribute your verse, whether it is here or somewhere else. Anyone wanting to contribute – please @ me on Twitter! @DorMouseSez 

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