Thursday, February 7, 2008

Through the Looking Glass

So here we are, in the throes of the 2008 primary season. “Once more into the breach” and all that.

And I find myself continuing to struggle with the idea that we’ve gone too far down the road of polarization, and not far enough down the road of educating ourselves about the personalities, qualities and positions of our candidates.

But unlike years before, I get the sense that this year, things are different – I’m not alone in my concerns. Others – surprisingly, including my father – agree that the politicians and parties are more concerned with paying lip service to dogma rather than actually look at what is best for the country at various levels and which leader from the various perspectives best represents those views.

I’m not naïve. I understand that before Bush, there was Clinton. And before Clinton there were others, including Nixon and others. And in many ways, they were doing the best they could for the country. But my question is at what price?

In 2004, the extremes of the Democratic Party probably handicapped their primary process to the point that they couldn’t overcome Bush – despite all the issues the populace had with him.

Now, it looks like the extremes of the Republican Party are going to do the same.

While you will probably get a feel for my politics from time to time, I hope this blog will be more about how people can be part of an educated citizenry. Your input is welcome and appreciated – as I guarantee you I don’t know everything, but would like to share what I know in the hope that others will do the same and we can all be a little bit better at being active participants in the government of our great country.


The Dormouse

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